Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:12


The Seven Joys of VBS


Many thanks to all the wonderful members of Christ Our Hope for making Vacation Bible School such a blessing to the children, their parents, and this pastor!  Here are the Seven Joys I rediscovered this past week:

  1. Having 5 opportunities, 5 days  IN A ROW to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in stories, songs, games, crafts, skits, and conversations with so many wonderful kids!  This kind of quality time with people is hard to come by these days.
  2. Having dear Christians (the children) who are genuinely EXCITED to hear how much God loves them – again and again and again!  This kind of enthusiasm is a rare treat.
  3. Having dear Christians (the children) who are unafraid to let you know when they don’t get it, don’t like it, or can’t take it any more! This kind of honesty is such a welcome relief.
  4. Watching dear Christians (the congregational members) lovingly and patiently model Christ’s love, even as they teach it! This sanctification in action is a thing of true beauty to behold
  5. Seeing the whole thing once again through the eyes of a child (my own two now!) Not just thinking I have to get through this, but I want to be IN this – AT this!
  6. Being given permission one week each year to play and be a little crazy while at work!  Like I needed permission for this.
  7. Cookies and juice.  Obviously.

If you have been involved in a VBS (parent, teacher, helper, student), what would you add to the list?

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At the Birth of My Daughter

Firm hands shake and tremble with effort

Kindly brows twitch in agony

Her gentle voice is torn by another scream – begging – pleading … whimpering

A calm and confident mother, a pillar of so many a life, systematically stripped bare, left raw and open for all to see …

in the water and the blood and the tears.

And she does this for me

– for us

– for this little one now laid bare to a world of pains and burdens, and griefs …

and miracles.

For HE too come in the way of my daughter.

Came for my daughter.

in water and blood and tears.

He came, the calm and confident Son from heaven, to be stripped bare and left raw and open for the jaded and disdainful world to see.

Gentle voice lifted up in steadfast prayer: “Father forgive them …”

Kindly brows crusted by thorn and blood and sweat and tears.

Hands firmly pierced and pinned to rough and callous wood.

And He did it for me

– for us

– for her … my daughter.